Concussion Treatment and Recovery
Concussion Treatment and Recovery
Concussion recovery will usually track along the following timeline. It is expected 80% of people will recover within the expected timeframes and return to sport by day 21.
- Concussion Event
Brief period of rest; 24-48 hours
Period of recovery; minimum 7 days
a. Return to work/school
b. Reintroduce aerobic exercise
c. Reintroduce weights training
PHYSIO CONCUSSION ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT- Graded loading program; minimum of 14 days
a. Non-contact training
b. Limited contact training
c. Full contact training - Return to Play
If there are persistent symptoms, they can be identified and treated with a Physiotherapy rehabilitation program.
Physiotherapy treatment for concussion includes
neck joint mobilisation
neck muscle treatment
balance retraining
eye reflex exercises using Neuroflex Concussion Goggles
program for progressive return to physical exertion and exercise
program for progressive return to cognitive activity
With a thorough evaluation, including use of neuroflex goggles for an objective measure, players only return to sport when it is safe to do so.
Can I attend Physiotherapy if I haven’t had a concussion baseline assessment?
While baseline tests are the best starting point for treating concussion , you can still have treatment without baseline data.
If there is no baseline data, the physio concussion assessment data will be compared to an average of the whole population instead. There is a lot of variation within a population, so baseline data for a player is a more accurate reference point following a concussion event and brain recovery.
Return to play Calendar for
Concussion Calendar - Rugby Kids <19yrs
Concussion Calendar - Rugby Adults >19yrs
Concussion Calendar - Community AFL (all levels)
Concussion Calendar - AIS (all other sport)
Concussion assessment and treatment is the most successful with the collaboration of Physiotherapy and GP’s.
At Active Solutions Physiotherapy we perform Baseline Concussion Tests, Concussion Evaluation and Treatment.
All of our assessments include the use of NeuroFlex concussion goggles, for the most accurate, completely objective and best use of technology to assess the Vestibular Ocular Motor Reflexes (VOMS).
MORE concussion informatioN
Concussion Overview
See More >
Concussion Guidelines
See More >
Baseline Testing
Current Page >
Suffered Concussion
What To Do >
Concussion Assessment
See More >
Concussion Recovery
Guidelines >
Persistent Concussion
See More >
See More >