We understand how frustrating it can be having forced downtime from the sport you love due to injury.
Our physiotherapists will assess your injury and get you back to full fitness ASAP.
We are experts at making a diagnosis, predicting how long it will take to get you back to training and developing a return to sport regime.
We treat everyone from professional athletes, weekend sports warriors through to junior sports enthusiasts with a plan for recovery and preventing recurrence.
Don’t put up with the pain for a moment longer than necessary!
Common Sports Injuries We Treat
- Tennis Elbow
- Golfers Elbow
- Tight Backs
- Groins
- Knee Cap Pain
- Knee Ligaments
- Sprained Ankles
- Foot Pain
- Stress Fractures
- Muscle Tears – hamstring, quads, calf, knee cartilage & meniscus