Knee Osteoarthritis

knee osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is a common cause of knee pain. It makes people feel really old and we often see arthritis causing trouble with walking, playing with their grandkids (getting up and down off the floor is the worst) or flights of stairs.

A lot of the time when people come into the clinic to see us, they’ve heard that exercise is meant to help their knees – but what type of exercise and where to start?

The simple answer is weights.

The stronger your muscles are, the more support your knee will have. This extra muscle you build up will support the joint and therefore reduce pain. Essentially you need your muscles to work against some form of resistance – this can be exercises against gravity, using physio elastic bands or gym machines.

So what are the guidelines with weights? 

  1. You need to be pain free and comfortable If you are having a flare up, you need to first employ the tactics to reduce pain. It is after you settle your pain, that it is the best time to do your weights to get muscles stronger.

  1. Maintain good knee alignment. Don’t let your knees drift inwards as you move. There are certain points in the knee joint that are designed to take pressure through them. By keeping your hip, knee and ankle in line, especially with squats and lunges, you will get good results. Also regularly check your position in the mirror.

  1. Develop an even workout. Work the opposite muscle groups as a pairing so the knee has even forces around it– knee extending and bending (quads and hamstring), stepping up and down (glute max), squats low and overhead press high (lifting and pushing), side steps and rotation (left and right directions).


There are many people who don’t like a traditional gym environment, don’t know how to use the machines or don’t know how to put together a good program. To solve these problems, Active Solutions Physiotherapy clinic has an in-house gym.

With our machines we can help you develop a program to do at your own gym or you can join our physio exercise classes. Learn how to confidently exercise with the guidance of a physiotherapist and prolong the life of your knees.

Click on the links below to book online for a physiotherapy assessment and treatment or give us a call on 0438 648 884.

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